To help comply with GDPR, Gozotiques has "double opt-in" for email marketing signup.  We also have a tool for reporting on all customer data based on their email address.

If requested, a customer can be "forgotten" by Gozotiques.  This can be done by deleting their account, newsletter subscription, review(s) and any orders they may have placed.

Please note that it may be a legal obligation to keep their order data on file if you have an existing financial contract with Gozotiques..

The GDPR report can be disclosed to the customer and printed or saved as a PDF and/or used to help remove their data from the system.

To be GDPR compliant, we also have a suitable privacy policy which contains other related information regarding privacy and data usage by Gozotiques.

Further information and support may be available from your local "Information Commissioner" such as the Office of the Information and Data Protection Commissioner in Malta

More information about CubeCart and GDPR is available at

Please contact us if you have any questions about your personal data stored by Gozotiques


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